Rent to Rent

MHG Rent to Rent


Would You be willing to RENT me your property out for a few years?
If Yes

Would YOU be willing to Sell me the property in the future?
If YES then a Rental Option could be the solution you are looking for


Not every homeowner is in the situation where they can sell their home, for example, you may be in negative equity, where the loan is more than the property is worth therefore if they sell the property then this will leave them in even more debt. This is not a good situation to be in as it traps people into living in properties they wish to move on from.

Because property lease options revolve around people, you get personal satisfaction in providing solutions. As a professional property problem solver, your skill is in high demand, people are willing to pay for your lease option skill.

A rent to rent contract with an agent is a contractual tenancy where the agent rents the property from the landlord and then sublets it to tenants that they find. This type of arrangement normally gives the landlord a reduced monthly rent but no agents fees and the agent will be responsible for paying the rent even if there is a void period. The agent is then responsible for the contact with their tenant but the landlord remains responsible for repairs. These types of arrangements can work well for landlords that need a steady income and cannot afford void periods. However it is vital to check that the agent is reputable and is a good idea to try and speak to people who have used the agents to check that they are responsible and your rent will be paid on time and the property let to suitable tenants.