Selling a property
There are several different methods of selling a home – we have outlined these methods below and will advise which is most suitable for your property following an inspection.
There are several different methods of selling a home – we have outlined these methods below and will advise which is most suitable for your property following an inspection.
People in Nottingham have a right to expect a decent and safe standard of private rented accommodation. The new selective licensing scheme aims to raise housing standards in the private rented sector to provide quality housing for all.
Improving the quality of housing in the city is one of the Council’s main priorities. We believe that whether you rent from a social landlord or a private landlord you should be able to expect a good standard home, which is well managed and maintained. The Council has collected evidence, which shows that this simply is not the case for many people living in the private rented sector.
It might feel like sitting around planning is just delaying you from getting out to look at properties and start making money. But take it from someone who’s spoken to a lot of investors over the last few years: almost everyone who achieves great success started out with a solid plan.
With house prices falling in parts of London, a growing number of wealthy people are choosing to rent – also to avoid hefty tax bills.
Following increases in stamp duty, property taxes are the equivalent of three to four years’ rent.
I want to buy a property and rent it out as a long-term investment, which I would then like to provide me with income when my partner retires. What are the pros and cons of making the investment personally, versus buying it via a limited company? I would like to invest £80,000 to buy a property priced about £140,000. I am worried about being taxed on the rental income, although it will be in my name and I currently have no income as I am a stay-at-home mum. I am not planning to sell it but, if things change, what taxes would I have to pay upon sale in each scenario?